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Negative self-talk and pervasive anxiety: The connection

Negative self-talk is the inner critic that constantly tells us we're not good enough, smart enough, or capable enough. It is the voice often of doubt and fear that rings loudly in our thoughts. It can be a major contributor to pervasive anxiety issues, as it can lead us to worry about things that are unlikely to happen or to catastrophize about the consequences of even minor setbacks. As you probably know, these are some of the leading causes of most generalized anxiety issues.

How can negative self-talk lead to anxiety?

Negative self-talk can lead to anxiety in a number of ways. For example, it can:

  • Make us more likely to interpret situations as threatening. When we have a negative view of ourselves, we're more likely to see the world as a hostile place. This can make us more anxious about social situations, job interviews, and other challenges.

  • Lead to rumination and overthinking. When we dwell on negative thoughts about ourselves, we can get caught in a cycle of rumination and overthinking. This can make it difficult to focus on anything else and can intensify our anxiety.

  • Undermine our confidence and self-esteem. Negative self-talk can make us feel like we're not good enough to succeed or to deserve happiness. This can lead to low self-esteem and self-confidence, which can make it even more difficult to cope with anxiety.

Examples of negative self-talk

Here are some examples of negative self-talk that can contribute to anxiety:

  • "I'm going to fail this test."

  • "No one likes me."

  • "I'm not good enough."

  • "I'm going to mess up."

  • "I'm going to be embarrassed."

  • "I'm going to have a panic attack."

  • "I'm going to lose control."

  • "Something bad is going to happen."

  • "If I don't have the answer, everything will fall apart"

How to break the cycle of negative self-talk and anxiety

If you're struggling with negative self-talk and anxiety, there are a number of things you can do to break the cycle. Here are a few tips:

  • Identify your negative thoughts. The first step is to become aware of the negative thoughts that are running through your head. Pay attention to the things you say to yourself, both internally and externally. Writing these down in a thought journal can be very effective.

  • Challenge your negative thoughts. Once you're aware of your negative thoughts, ask yourself if they're really true. Are there any facts to support them? Or are they just based on your fears and insecurities? Confronting your thoughts in this way can help you to disengage from the anxiety spiral they are causing at a given moment.

  • Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you've challenged your negative thoughts, try to replace them with more positive and realistic ones. For example, instead of saying "I'm going to fail this test," you could say "I've studied hard and I'm prepared to do well."

  • Be patient and compassionate with yourself. It takes time and practice to break the habit of negative self-talk. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up from time to time. Just keep practicing and eventually, you'll be able to challenge your negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones.

If you're struggling to manage your anxiety on your own, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can teach you additional coping skills and help you develop a treatment plan. We all need a little help from time to time, and seeing a counselor is not a sign of weakness but of awareness and a tool to build personal strength and confidence.


Negative self-talk and pervasive anxiety are often linked. By challenging your negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones, you can break the cycle of anxiety and start to feel better. It will not alleviate all of your anxiety, it will help to bring it into a more normal and healthier range. Remember if not reach out to a counselor and get help taking the steps you need towards a healthier you.

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