Licensed Pastoral Counseling - Since 2022
Been in full-time pulpit ministry since 2003 (21 years). I am the pulpit minister for the Three Forks church of Christ in Smiths Grove, KY.
I am the full-time school counselor at Foundation Christian Academy in Bowling Green, KY
Provided spiritual care and Biblical-based counsel within the church for 15+ years.
Taught in a satellite school of SIBI for over 4 years.
Taught as a Middle and High School Teacher at a local Christian Private school for 3 years.
Liberty University, 2020, Doctor of Ministry - Pastoral Counseling
South African Theological Seminary, 2019, Master of Theology
American Public University, 2018, Master of Art - History (Ancient and Classical History)
NationsUniveristy, 2015, Master of Theological Studies
Theological University of America, 2015, Master of Art - Christian Counseling
Sunset International Bible Institute, 2010, Bachelor of Theology
NationsUniversity, 2006, Bachelor of Religious Studies
Additional Training
Education and Training Modules - Kentuckiana Pastoral Counseling Consortium
BCC Coach Training - Barnabas Team - 30 hr Program
National Christian Counseling Association Phase 1 and Phase 2 Training
Diploma in Christian Life Coaching - Light University
Advanced Certificate in Christian Life Coaching - Light University
Advanced Certificate in Marriage and Family - Light University

Kentucky Licensed Pastoral Counselor, KLPC
Board Certified Christian Mental Health Coach - IBCC
Board Certified Life Coach - CCE
Certified Temperament Pastoral Counselor - NCCA
Certified Temperament Counselor - NCCA
ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider (ADHD-CCSP) Certification